How to Beat Superbugs with Essential Oils

Written by Kajsa IngelssonAugust 28, 2018

Happy Tuesday guys!

Today I want to share some guest content with you. Mike from Mikes Gear Reviews reached out to me and we had an interesting talk about one of our modern time’s biggest health problems; antibiotic resistant superbugs.

As a species, we rely heavily on antibiotics – we take them to get rid of our flu, headaches, stomachaches and any ailments that we have. The thing is that we have been overusing this medicine, making some bugs and viruses smarter and thus immune to antibiotics.

Instead of developing stronger antibiotics, we think it’s time to look back to ancient healing remedies. Some of you might already be familiar with essential oils (i’m running an ongoing series about them, find it here) but did you know that with proper application of these little miracle helpers, we can get rid of superbugs before they mutate into more dangerous microbes?

This information is so important to know! Take control of your own and your families health today by reading on for more information on these essential oils.