It’s on every list of things to do when in Madrid. You know me, I fucking LOVE my vintage (*cough* ECO CHIC) stuff, so I thought why not give it a go. I mean, this market is 400+ years old, so you can call it vintage alright.
So I set my alarm on 7am on a sunday. Yes you read that right, 7. I have to walk Mr. Tiny and have time for my whole morning routine you know… Plus I read that to beat the heat and the crowd you better be there shortly after opening, that is 9am.
To sum it up: it was a pleasant experience. Cody got some vinyls and a couple of KiSS magazines, I bought the cutest old grandma porcelain boxes and some handmade bracelets + lots of crystals (of course). There’s A LOT of crap, as all flea markets, but take your time and you’ll find some treasures. Just make sure you are keeping a close eye on all your stuff at all times, the crowd’s no joke when it comes to pickpocketing.