Once in awhile you find something you did not even know you were looking for. But now once you know of its existence, you don’t even know how you got on before it to begin with. Coraball is one of those things.
I consider myself being a quite eco friendly and sustainable person. I mean, yeah! But for the longest time I did not even think about what impact my laundry might have. I have been using biodegradable cleaning and washing products since forever so, what more could I possibly do? Well, this is where I got to know about microplastics ugly cousin microfibers. I’m telling you guys, this micro family ain’t ever good news.. But luckily there’s companies like Coraball who’s accepted the challenge to make it easier for all of us to be greener in our everyday lives.
I had a little chat with Megan R Bender about everything from micro to macro when it comes to fibers and sustainable businesses!
So what exactly are microfibers?
Microfibers are the tiny – even microscopic fibers that shed off our clothing.

How do they possess a threat to us and our planet?
As they shed from our clothing and wash out into our public waterways, they are making their way into the marine food web! Each new bit of scientific literature that emerges shows us new places we are finding microfibers; honey, beer, bottled water, table salt! We are eating our clothing! Unless these microfibers come from down to the dye certified organic natural fibers, they are either synthetic or treated with a host of chemicals; from optical brighteners, to flame retardants, to pesticides, to heavy metals in dyes. So it is not just the fibers themselves we are worried about!
Tell us where the idea to start your company came from?
The founder is a ship captain who runs a non-profit called Rozalia Project, the mission of which is to clean the ocean from surface to sea floor! The Cora Ball is born of bio-mimicry; that is, it mimics Coral and aims to do what Coral does – grab tiny things from the water.

What have you found the most challenging on your journey to brining this sustainable product into life?
There is a huge educational component involved. Most people have never heard of microfibers! It is hard also to conceptualize that this is a threat not only to us but to biodiversity on the whole. Some microfibers are smaller than a red blood cell! It is hard to convince people of a nearly invisible threat!
What is the Cora ball and how does it work?
The Cora Ball is the world’s first ever microfiber catching laundry ball, and it works by snagging microfibers in the wash and stopping them from going down the drain! Eventually the fibers collect into a ball of fuzz that can be seen with naked eye and grabbed. We are working with industry partners to upcycle the material into a long lasting durable product!

Is it easy to use and care for? How long does it last?
The Cora ball is extremely easy to use and requires virtually no change to your washing process. We only ask that you wash your delicates or clothes with fraying ends separately. It is a highly durable product that will likely outlast your washing machine. It is made from 100% recycled and recyclable material-so after you have washed a few thousand loads and are ready for a new one, you simply send back and we will make it into a new Cora Ball!
Where can we buy it?
The Cora Ball is for sale at coraball.com and here is a world wide list of shops selling the Cora Ball!

Amazing! Before we let you go to keep revolutionising our laundry process;
Tell us your top three tips on how to become a greener eco-warrior!
Wash less! Wash with cold water! Line dry when you can!