Mr C and I had a day playing tourists in Madrid some weekends ago. I wanted to do a full weekend of sightseeing before the dreaded summer-heat kicked in. We are in the midst of it now, with temperatures lying on a steady 42 degrees (107 F) during the days and not dropping under 30 (86 F) at night. It’s quite intense, but not that different from the summer we spent in Buenos Aires. I’m actually heading to …. to buy myself a fly sun feather or two today. I’m gonna look so fly when beating the heat 😉
Anyways, going back to the story, we went to visit this really cool basilica during our tourist day. It’s awe inspiring that people built monuments like this before there was any machines to help them. The chapel was built in the 13th century! Can you imagine? The construction of the basilica followed in the 18th and the dome itself is 33 metres (108 ft) in diameter and 58 metres (190 ft) in height and it’s displaying beautiful paintings by artists Zurbarán and Francisco Goya.
We also had a ghost following us home (no joke), waking us up at 10 to 4 in the morning (the hour of the spirits) wanting help to pass to the other side. Lucky for me, I have a mother who taught me how to handle this kind of real life situation and after a brief screaming session featuring Mr. C, I handled it like the boss witch I am.