My confession in the cenotes

Written by Kajsa IngelssonJanuary 11, 2017

This is my confession…

I’ve been absent here lately. Tonnes of things have been going down in my personal life and I had to do some serious self reflection. It’s very easy to fall back into old behavioral patterns. I’ve lived a very fast ego-centrical life filled with addictions, self-destructive behavior and different defense mechanisms to protect the very thing that was causing all the suffering; my ego.

I’ve been on the journey of self discovering and healing for some years now. I’m working on myself thru energy healing, physical therapy, yoga and meditation to name a few. But sometimes shit happens, you slip and fall back into your old ways. I become mean to those around me, mean to myself and it all leads me back to the bottle.

Lucky I have friends and family that call me out on my shit and help me get back on track. I decided to do a ceremonial bath in the cenotes a.k.a underground water caves in Cuzama to rinse it all off and rise anew.

If you are ever around in Merida I really recommend stopping by and dropping in. It will sooth your soul if you let it.

Nature is magnificent and addiction is a bitch!
