Ehhhh did you know there’s an app for that 🍭 ?
It’s never been easier to live a sustainable life. These apps are the definitive proof of it. From ingredient scanners and fashion scores to bike routes and bulk-stores, tech is here to help you live your most fun and green life with ease!
This digital green community is constantly being updated with little tips and challenges to get you to make every aspect of your routine more sustainable. Joulebug is useful for all levels of greenies from beginners to pros, and it gamifies environmental action to get users addicted to doing good.
Good On You
I love fashion. But there are some skeletons in the closet that can’t be hidden. Did you know that the fashion industry is the third most polluting one? I sure as *uck don’t want to support that. But how do I know what’s good with all the greenwashing going around?
Good On You is the world’s leading source for fashion brand ratings. They pull all the information together and use expert analysis to give each brand an easy-to-understand score. With Good On You, you can discover the very best fashion from around the world and learn everything you need to know about ethical and sustainable fashion.
Traditional grocery stores are packed with unnecessary plastic packaging, but the Bulk app makes it easy to track down bulk bins in your area. Just open the app, type in your ZIP Code, and see what stores near you stock household items in bulk so you can cut down on plastic use.
Litterati and Plastic Patrol
Every time you pick up trash, you can log it in to these two apps to help build out a comprehensive global database that’s helping companies better package their products and communities better handle their waste streams. Just seeing the app on your phone screen is a good reminder to be more mindful of litter in your day-to-day.
This is a fun, easy, and rewarding way for everyone to help solve climate change!
See which choices really matter, save money, earn rewards, and inspire your community to be part of a collective solution to global warming!
With Bikemap you will have more than three million kilometers of cycling routes in your phone. Designed by cyclists for cyclists, this application allows you to download information on paths and roads suitable for cycling users in more than 80 countries.
Curious Chloride
We buy cosmetics in good faith and use them through all stages of life; to protect our health, enhance well-being and simply to just look pretty. From toothpaste and deodorant to makeup.
But unfortunately, many cosmetic products contain harmful ingredients that cause serious negative effects. The ingredient scanner Curious Chloride helps you avoid them in a super easy way!
Sustainable Homes
This is a fantastic home building and renovating guide + a useful source of information for someone looking to update, renovate or build a sustainable house. The app is jam packed full of information and expert advice about sustainable design, off-grid energy systems, solar installation, power storage and energy efficiency. It also includes a portfolio of energy-efficient homes.
Sustainability Aware
These are a collection of educational, green living apps aimed at primary school kids from grade three through to grade six (8-12 years old). They teach children about making sustainable lifestyle choices, caring for the planet, how our way of living impacts the environment and what they can do to help. The younger levels teach kids about healthy eating, animal friends facing challenges and green products for a greener planet. The apps aimed at older children take a look at more complex problems such as sustainable energy, transport, water sources and climate change.
The Garden Planner
Described as a personal trainer for vegetable gardeners, this gardening app was created for those a little challenged in the planting department. Detailed planting guides show you how and when to plant your veggies and when it’s time to harvest. The apps sets reminders, which are plugged into weather updates to ensure your food has the best chance at life. Designed with all gardens in mind, from large blocks of land, small urban gardens to apartments with small balcony pot plants.
Sustainable Seafood Guide
The fishing industry as a whole is extremely unsustainable. This app will help you find the most sustainable options out there.