If you know me, you know that I am on point when it comes to my skincare game. Nothing artificial goes on my skin, plus a few natural ingredients that just doesn’t sit well with me.
When I met Exodeus, I was struggling with hyperpigmentation, uneven skin tone and clogged pores. I was hopeless – I already tried so many different treatments and creams – without result. Fast forward one year later, and not only are all those concerns gone, but my skin is looking better than it has since I was a child! So it’s with great honour that I invite you into the world of my favorite beauty alchemist and dear friend;
What is it that you do?
I Am a skin care creator and a facialist. I carefully bring healing creations of beauty into existence by sacred geometry. I have given 15 years of my life to research and development to create the supra best skin treatments, formulas and compositions that caters to result-oriented clients.

Who would benefit from seeing you?
Anyone looking for someone able to provide mature holistic reasoning, knowledge and mastery shared in a playful way.
I was born in the 70s, grew up in a household of eco-ethical oriented parents, in Quebec’s paradisiac Eastern Township. My father is a biology teacher, philosopher and my mother is a children educator; they both contributed to my natural, organic education.
Growing up, I’ve learned to harmonize with nature and to source its best treasures. I have more than 25 years of experience in the way herbalism & biology integrates in a holistic lifestyle, and my 15 years of research & development in natural skin care, allows me to provide valued & nuanced information, which are only available from someone who is experienced.
The hype in the organic industry can make it hard for consumers and producers to decipher between people with mastery and those only there for a business opportunity, without the essential of truly caring for nature, oneself and all sentient beings.
I Am here for people seeking experienced answers, guidance, playfulness, humbleness in herbalism, skin care, holistic health.
I’m here for women & men seeking the essence of youthfulness .
I am here for children who deserve to receive the original education of nature, enabling them to build a sustainable future.

What does it mean to you to live a healthy life?
A healthy life is presided by Love, Peace and Fun. When those elements are missing, there can’t be health. The psyche, the emotional body and eventually the body degenerates from such a condition. Also, keeping a good flow of creativity unblocks resistance. We are the artists of our lives, and our mission is to create a unique journey. At last, Self discovery through self-care and self-love is Divine and not to be compromised, ever.

What are the top three things you do to contribute to saving this planet?
Blissfully walking the streets, being Heartfully myself and receptive to my surrounding—it gives people hope & faith in humanity. We are all receptive to someone who’s being human, who’s being real. Even basic errands becomes special when you are playful with yourself and people you encounter. A simple transaction with a cashier becomes memorable. Soulful exchanges help save the planet, it’s about truly caring for our fellow humans & living entities; it heals the heart.
Also, being smarter and lowering my consumption is one thing I focus on. Buying in bulk, using glass jars, natural ingredients; sustainable healthy choices in every way possible. Being creative about it, and inspiring ourselves and others is a great motor.

What are your favorite health habits/routines?
I see & feel life as an ever changing… an evolving Art piece constituted of creativity, playful spontaneity. Therefore my routines feels alive to me; It starts early morning with my Holistic Beauty ritual; beginning with meditation followed by various flow of body movement (yoga, qi gong, dancing), some tea sipping & natural food preparation and finishes with my immersion in the Exodeus Skin Care Line. It’s prepping the soul, the body and lastly the skin. When I apply my products, I feel so blissful, it’s truly a ritual of self-love & care. Purely essential. Artful living exists in the details, and being receptive to the present moment offers us so much to play with. It creates beauty everywhere as a way of life.

What’s the best advice you have for us on how to live life to the fullest?
To live playfully and humbly while being kind and compassionate. These qualities develops more awareness to see the beauty around us and to care for it. Why so serious ? Life can pass us by so fast. Joyfulness is meant to be nurtured and share.