This is my simple soup detox I do whenever i’m feeling like I need a reset. The reasons for such a need are usually either a) i’ve been indulging a little too much and gained a little weight, or b) i’m just tried all. the. freaking. time, or finally c) my skin has gone haywire for an unknown reason.
I will stick with only eating soups for 1-4 days, depending on how i’m feeling in my body. If it’s your first time, start with a day and see how you feel. We are all different, and what is healthy and works for me, might not be the same for you. Honor your process and honor your body ♥️

While on this detox, I only do walks and stretching as a form of exercise and I spend time in my sauna and bathtub. I also journal to get feedback on how I’m feeling and what emotions come up. For me, my soup detox time = an invigorating time where I usually feel so light and energetic!
My day will start with a cup of hot lemon water (as always). After that I will drink a bowl of soup every 3 hours or so until 6-7pm. I will have plenty of water and herbal teas throughout the day. I also tend to go to bed early and sleep very deep.
The importance is to tune in to your body and ask yourself if you are really hungry, or just covering up an emotion, being bored, or if you are plain thirsty and in need of water. Take this time as an opportunity to get to know yourself and reconnect to your body. In today’s modern society, we spend so much time using our mind (or is the mind using us?) that we forget about the ancient wisdom that resides in our bodies.
Breath, reconnect, go outside, show yourself some love and thank yourself for taking the time to nourish your body and soul with a little paus from the usual hustle and grind.
Now.. the recipes! These are the soups that I enjoy on Mjau’s Soup Detox, and not only for their flavour but also for their amazing abilities to support and nourish.
A tip is to make a big batch of my Food-Waste Broth before starting on your journey. What better way to know that you are eating high-quality ingredients than the knowing that you made everything from scratch?
It might also be a good idea to stock up on the following tisans; dandelion, nettle, milk thistle, lemon balm, turmeric and ginger and rose and chamomile. You will be able to find all these in your nearest health grocer.
Mjau’s Soup Detox
Beet and Ginger Soup

Roasted Broccoli and Fennel Soup

Pumpkin Soup

Coconut, Carrot and Ginger Soup

Cold Avocado Soup

If you are looking for more info on detox, find it here in this post 🙂 As always, if you have any questions, just send me a dm 🐾