Kind & Conscious Xmas Gift Giving

Written by Kajsa IngelssonNovember 16, 2020

Once again, xmas time is coming around. Strange how that happens every year, huh? 😉

I like christmas. Jesus was a pretty neat guy and I always love myself some family time over good food! Plus it’s my brothers birthday on the 24th (swedish christmas eve), and I think he is my favourite christmas miracle ever!

However, it’s not all things sweet and nice, sugar and spice. The other side of the christmas coin is the harsh reality that our society is so consumption based that it’s actually killing us and everything else on our beautiful globe.

You are expected to give gifts upon gifts upon gifts. Sometimes even to people you don’t know or care about, leaving you to obt for fast fashion or some other cheap item. What’s that about really? (HINT: profit for companies)

I say, dis the year we break the tradition of mindless, unsustainable gift giving. Give of your time, your energy, your love, your kind words, your attention.. AND when the relationship or times calls for an actual gift, choose from one of these sustainable brands I have listed below.

This, my honey bees, is how we change the world! Wherever your attention and money goes, energy flows and momentum grows.

Kind & Conscious Xmas Gift Giving Guide

Ethically Sourced Jewelry and Lab Grown Diamonds and Gemstones

I mean, what can I say? I love love love getting some ice as a gift, but after learning about the horrible abuse that’s common in the industry, I always opt for brands that sustainable and transparent.

Cast Iron Conditioner

Cast iron is the best non-toxic cookware out there! I have been a fan for years, but they do require some love and maintenance. First rule is that you cannot wash them in the dishwasher or use soap. Soooo, this is the perfect gift for any cook who cares about their kitchen!

Bala Weights

With different quarantine rules going on and off all over the world – amp up your at home workout routine to stay active with these stylish and super comfortable weights!

A Sustainable Subscription Box

Earthlove is the award-winning subscription box for living an eco-conscious life. This seasons Winter box includes ELEVEN items from the best eco-conscious brands, all full-size and worth $220+! Perfect to kickstart any persons eco-journey!

Food Future Institute Cooking Course

Vegan food is the future. And nobody does it better than Matthew Kenny, so why not learn how to from the master himself?

Dutch Oven

This non-toxic Dutch Oven allows for healthy cooking in the kitchen without harmful chemicals: use for stews, bread baking, and more. Featuring a ceramic-coated interior, this durable non-stick pot makes cooking easier than ever and cleaning easy.


This is some of the most beautiful and well thought pieces out there. You can also choose to have your very own one of a kind customized to your birthchart. I have several of her stuff, and they are pure magic!

Cozy slippers!

Thought’s slipper socks are crafted with bamboo and organic cotton and have a triple-layer, recycled polyester lining. Expect them to form to your feet in the coziest way.

A Solar Driven Watch

Just look at this gorgeous watch from SOLIOS that comes in a wide variety of colours. (the price is just right too)

Reusable Baking Paper

Did you know that conventional baking paper or greaseproof paper isn’t recyclable? Yep, it’s coated and contains bleach and dioxins which isn’t great for you or the environment. 

These 2 rectangular silicone mats fit perfectly on oven trays for baking and can be used over and over again. It’s a simple step that will integrate seamlessly into your life, and save you money at the same time!

100% Organic Hemp Bed Linen from Delila

Cause nothing says I love you like I want you to have a nice and organic sleep.

Sustainable Shoes

It’s always nice to show someone’s feet some love. Think about all they do for us on a daily basis! This is a great list, so i’m sure you’ll find more than one pair to fall in love with!

An Organic Robe

Especially now that we are working from home… I mean, who doesn’t want to spend their time wrapped up in a wearable towel? This one from COYUCHI looks real cozy.


This is such a nice gift to give someone. Like, I love you so much please dream of me every night on this non-toxic bed of avocados?


Their lava stone diffuser is stunning, sustainable and makes a great gift for a great price!

what goes around comes around investment bag

An investment piece is always nice. Make it sustainable by buying it vintage from What Goes Around Comes Around. Or, go check out my directory called VINTAGE CHIC to find the best online and physical vintage stores from all over the world!

Sustainable Workout Clothes and ActiveWear

There’s a big risk that you are working out in toxic clothes. That’s bad news, cause your pores open when you sweat, making you more susceptible to absorbing these toxins. But fear not, there are plenty of sustainable brands to choose from, just check THIS POST out:)

Period Underwear and Menstruation Cup

Ok, let’s normalize our monthly bleeds, shall we? It’s about time. I have been using both the cup and period underwear for about a year now, saving the world countless of plastic and saving my vagina from GMO cotton. It’s been a blessing!

Honestly, what a thoughtful gift for a man to give to a woman. That and chocolate, of course 😉

Reusable Swabs and Makeup Removers

This is a small change that makes a huge different. Check out this feature I did with LastObject to find out more and where to buy them!

Non-toxic Candles

Honestly, there’s a lot to say about most scented products on the market.. So much so that I made a whole post about it 😉 (coming next week). Here’s a great list of non toxic candles to give and get to amp up the coze in your home without the nastiness.

Nest Dog Beds

Breathable and sustainable, non-toxic bed and tents for your or your bff’s furbaby? BUT OF COURSE, we wouldn’t want it any other way! 💛

Hurum Juicer

Juicing is something that’s great for your health. Plus, by buying your own juicer, you’ll cut down on your waste consumption + you can make tasty things with the pulp instead of throwing it away 🙂

Nut Milk Bag

Make your own plant-milks (and this is why you should) and cheeses!

The Cora Ball or The Guppy Bag

Micro-plastics are a mega problem. These two inventions are something to add to any laundry routine that will stop the shedding of micro-plastic into our oceans!

EXODEUS Skincare

Always and forever the queen of luxurious and clean skincare, Exodeus is a gift that will never go wrong!

Reusable Water Bottles and Water Filters

I have a post dedicated to water-bottles and at home filtration-systems. It’s a great gift because 1) you are telling someone please stay hydrated I care about you, and 2) please join me in being a green #ecowarrior for the benefit of our planet 🙂

A Vertical Garden

There are few things that’s as satisfying as growing your own food. With this beauty, you can grow plenty of stuff both in and outdoors with little to no space!

A Vitamix

I don’t think that the Vitamix needs any further introduction, with it being the OG of blenders and all..

Ethel Studio Meditation Cushion

Sore back from sitting in meditation anyone? Gift one of these unique, handmade meditation cushions made from textile waste and enter into bliss with ease 😛

Carbon / Plastic Offsetting

This is a great gift to give and receive. Take a step back from consumption and give to your loved one by giving to organizations that are working on saving our planet. Here’s a post on offsetting if you are not sure about how it works!

Sustainable Outfits

Fast-fashion is actually really expensive for all of us. Break the habit by gifting someone sustainable and well-made clothes that will last and spread joy for years to come! Here’s a list of some of my favorite sustainable brands.

Bokashi Compost or Other Compost System!

Food waste is a massive problem and greatly contributes to climate change. This is an easy way to combat both those issues.